Friday, November 14, 2008

The National Charity

I'm on a rant today. I wonder how the people of the United States would react if the US government required people to buy GM cars!! By using my tax money to bail out GM and others that is, in essence, what is being done.

Consumers chose not to buy automobiles and trucks at prices bloated with unreasonable labor and employee healthcare costs. Decades of bad management decisions and poorly negotiated labor agreements will have limited consequences.
Yes I'm oversimplifing this but I believe my point is valid. When the government interferes with free market forces there are always unintended consequences. The practical solution, one dictated by a free market, would involve some pain for both management and the unions but the result would be a stronger industry.
In a free market citizens are not forced to subsidize private industry. In a free market there are casualties for sure, just like any other aspect of human endeavor, yet the survivors are always sucessful.
Did the framers of our constitution mean for the US government to become a national charity? In a perfect world every Congressman and Senator would be required to read and demonstrate understanding of, milton Friedman's 'Free To Choose' before casting a single vote.

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